Our Research

We are a lab located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. We have three main studies at the moment: The Brain and Development Study, where we look at a variety of factors and how they affect brain and cognitive development, and the Nutrition Study, where we focus more on the effects of early life nutrition on brain and cognitive development; and finally the India Study, where we work in partnership with another lab to study the effects of malnutrition and hardship in rural India.

The Brain & Development Study 
What is it?
It is a study funded by the NIH program "Enviromental Influences on Child Health Outcomes", (ECHO), which comprises 35 other projects and researchers from across the USA. The aim of ECHO is to combine data from all these 35 studies in order to identify major environmental factors associated with healthy development.

What are we studying?
The purpose of our study is to better understand how maternal and infant health, including aspects of nutrition, metabolism, body composition, quality of sleep, and gut function (among other factors) are related to fetal and infant brain development.

How do you carry out the research?
The study involves:
  • Growth measurements such as height, weight, resting metabolism rate and body composition (Assessed with a BodPod / PeaPod)
  • Assessments of cognitive performance for the mother (such as IQ, EQ, language development etc.) and of brain function for the kid (such as language, vision, motor skills... using a variety of games and puzzles). 
  • We also track brain development (assessed by ultrasound, US, and magnetic resonance imaging, MRI). 
  • We collect saliva, urine and fecal samples in order to study what kind of gut bacteria you have, how you metabolize fluids, as well as how different genes affect brain development.
  • We have detailed questionnaires about sleep, eating behaviors, family environment, medical history and child activities. 
  • Participants can withdraw at any time, and all data is stripped of any identifiable information.

How do I benefit from it?
Participants receive compensation every visit in the form of Target Gift Cards for their time and travel as well as 3D ultrasound in every one of your visits for the pre-natal participants and feedback on how their children are growing and developing for the post-natal participants.

How often are the visits?
This is a longitudinal study, so there are:
- Prenatal visits: at 22 weeks, 28 weeks and 28 weeks.
-After baby is born: at 3, 9, 15, 21, and 30 months of age.
While you can stop participating anytime, we hope you will be available for this visits, and, should you be willing, you may also return yearly afterwards for as long as you're willing to.

How do I sign up?
If you are pregnant or if you have a kid that is younger than 6 years old, email us at baby.imaging.lab@gmail.com or call 401-338-6943!

The Nutrition Study 

What is it?
This study is focused on optimizing infant nutrition. As part of this project, we are recruiting soon-to-be and current mothers with infants less than 1 month of age who are either breast or formula feeding.

What are we studying?
The study's goal is to determine the effect of early life nutrition on brain and cognitive development in the first 24 months of the infant's life. 
Two nutrient blends in infant formulas will be evaluated in comparison with a reference group of breastfed infants.
If you are not breastfeeding, your infant will be randomized into one of the study infant formula groups. Randomization means your infant is put into a group by chance. Your infant will have an equal chance of being placed in either group. You will receive a nutritional product (infant formula) and you will be asked to provide it to your baby up to 12 months of age and according to her/his appetite. Solid food will be introduced during this first year of life according to infant feeding guidelines.

How do you carry out the research?
The study involves:
  • Kid's growth measurements such as height, weight, resting metabolism rate and body composition (Assessed with a BodPod / PeaPod)
  • Assessments of cognitive performance for the mother (such as IQ, EQ, language development etc.) and of brain function for the kid (such as language, vision, motor skills... using a variety of games and puzzles). 
  • We also track brain development (assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, MRI). 
  • We have detailed questionnaires about demographics, medical history, mode of baby feeding.
  • For breastfeeding families, we will collect samples of mother’s breastmilk
  • The frequency of the visits varies. but the study will comprise of 14 visits which will include imaging and functional evaluation sessions over the course of 24 months of your child. 
  • Email us at baby.imaging.lab@gmail.com or call 401-338-6943!

  • How do I benefit from it?
    Participants receive compensation every visit in the form of Target Gift Cards for their time and travel as well as feedback on how their children are growing and developing in relation to other kids their age.  

    Additionally, we will provide you with a Lactation Counselor, to who will give you advice in order to facilitate the establishment and continuation of breastfeeding.

    How often are the visits?
    The frequency of the visits varies. but the study will comprise of 14 visits which will include imaging and functional evaluation sessions over the course of 24 months of your child.

    How do I sign up?

    Email us at baby.imaging.lab@gmail.com or call 401-338-6943!

    The India Study

    This is a study study involving approximately 200 children in a rural India village. The main objective of the study is to try to mirror many of the measures collected in our Brain & Development Study in these children to better understand the impact of child adversity, malnutrition, and poverty on development.


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